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Central Ohio's Water Heater Experts

OH Lic# 27744

Simply The Easiest Way To Replace Your Water Heater

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Does Your Current Water Heater Use Propane?

Click the link below to go straight to our propane gas water heaters

Choose The Size Of Your Next Water Heater

What was the capacity of your last water heater? To locate your old water heater's capacity you want to find the manufacture's rating plate or sticker on the front of most water heaters. The size is usually listed as Cap US Gallons. Try and avoid looking at the yellow Energy Guide sticker as the first hour rating is usually what is found there and that is the amount of hot water able to be produced in an hour and is much larger than the tank's actual capacity. If you have problems finding the rating plate. We have included some examples of common tanks below.


AO Smith


Bradford White

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Rheem Family / Richmond / Rudd / GE

Things To Consider For Your Next Gas Water Heater

  • 30 gallon tanks are more expensive and often have a shorter lifespan than 40 gallon models. If you have the room consider moving up to a 40 gallon. The 40 gallon models often use less energy too. 

  • Upsizing a 40 gallon to a 50 gallon is common. Builders often provide a 40 gallon model as standard but a 50 gallon often works better for today's households. The increased size will not add a noticeable cost in energy and a 50 gallon tank is often less than $75 more than the same 40 gallon model.

  • Today's tanks are larger. If you have a water heater in tight closet. Make sure to consider the dimensions of the new water heater. They will be listed right on the ad. Tanks marked as "slim" will be the narrowest selection available in the product category. These tanks are made for closets. If you have any concerns, remember we do site checks at no additional charge. 

  • If you want the performance of a larger water heater but don't have the room. Consider choosing the water heater booster option. This non-powered booster can add an additional 50% capacity to any tank and can be added to during the installation. The cost is an additional $350 but it is cheaper than a larger closet and better than cold showers. 

  • Take into consideration your household's future needs. Your new water heater could last more than a decade. 

  • If you have 2 water heaters installed side by side. You may want to look at tankless as an option. A tankless unit will replace both water tanks and considering the energy savings, return on investment can be under 3 years in most cases.


Gas Water Heater Sizing

Our ultimate goal is to make your next water heater replacement as simple and affordable as possible. If you would rather have one of our expert technicians come out to your home and access your current situation. We offer an in home consultation and will provide you with a written quote at no charge.

Schedule an in home consultation

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